Saturday, July 14, 2012


If we can only stop for a moment;
thinking like the perverts that we've detested
maybe we will be able to see with new eyes 
into the rituals and reasons why 
people do the things they do sexually 
that we find so immoral
while we hide our own “immoral” desires

Sex is used as a tool by many; 

by magicians, by rapists, by control freaks of all backgrounds
sexual orientations and preferences 
Our sexual prefrences don't necessarily dictate our morals
unless our preferences end up hurting others 
scarring them and leaving them unable to move forward without healing
We must learn to deal with our own duel personalities
We are Ying and Yang and we need balance
but we don't all have the ability to balance
Who are we to judge them or them to judge us?

-Moshia' Pen